The Ultimate List of SQL Resources

Katie Huang Xiemin
2 min readJun 14, 2022

Today I’m sharing my tried-and-tested SQL resources and I’ve also handpicked several of my personal favourites for you.

A little background on me

I’m an experienced accountant with no background in computer science or anything remotely related. I started learning SQL in May 2021 and pored over a number of SQL resources online — mostly free and several paid.

What I’m about to share with you are resources perfectly suitable for people who wishes to transition into data analytics and learn SQL, but do not know where to start or possess any prior SQL knowledge (like me! 🙆🏻‍♀️).

And, the best thing? They’re all F-R-E-E! 🌟

Look out for asterisks (*) for my favourite picks.

Take note on different flavours of SQL — PostgreSQL (“PSQL”), MySQL (“MySQL”), Microsoft SQL Server (“MSSQL”), Google BigQuery (GBQ)

For people who prefers learning from YouTube

  1. Alex Freberg aka “Alex The Analyst” * (follow him on LinkedIn for SQL tips!)
    Basic, Intermediate and Advanced tutorial (MSSQL)
  2. Programming with Mosh * — 3-hour course (MySQL)
  3. freeCodeCamp — 4-hour course (MySQL)
  4. Edureka — 4-hour course (MSSQL)



Katie Huang Xiemin
Katie Huang Xiemin

Written by Katie Huang Xiemin

Self-taught Data Analyst | SQL Enthusiast | GitHub @katiehuangx

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