My Learning Journey in Data Analytics

Katie Huang Xiemin
2 min readJul 8, 2021


I would be recording my daily learning journey here so that I can

  • Keep myself accountable,
  • Plan my learning, and
  • Track my progress and see how much I’ve grown

My journey begun in March 2021 when I was re-evaluating my career and also, searching for a good course to learn Python programming language. During my hunt (for Python, geddit?), I also discovered that Python is now used in Data Science, a field that was relatively unheard of to me until now.

Then, I stumbled upon a tweet on a new course developed by Google called Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate. Next thing you know, I signed up for the course on the day it was released on 17 March 2021. And, that’s how I kickstarted my journey! :D

Monthly Log

17 March — May 2021:

  • Took the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate course. Learnt data analysis and tools utilised are Spreadsheet, BigQuery, R programming and Tableau.

Jun 2021:

  • Completed Project #1: Google Capstone Project using Python on analysing FitBit fitness tracker app data and discovering marketing trends. Posted here and here.
  • Took 6 Datacamp introductory courses on Python (3), SQL (2) and Tableau (1).
  • Read Python Crash Course and Learning SQL book.
  • Build up skills with Python libraries — Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn.
  • Signed up for KPMG Data Analytics Virtual Experience. Completed Module 1: Data Quality Assessment and Module 2: PowerPoint + RFM analysis. To revisit once I have learn how to use Power BI.

Jul 2021:

Aug 2021:

  • DataCamp’s guided projects in Python: 2 projects and SQL: 2 projects.
  • DataWithDanny’s Serious SQL course, an (intermediate + advanced) course with multiple case studies. Here’s my Github repository. Estimated completion in Sep 2021.
  • Pursuing DataCamp’s Data Analyst with SQL Server with my current progress at course 3 out of 10. Estimated completion in mid-Sep 2021.

Last updated on 17 Aug.



Katie Huang Xiemin

Self-taught Data Analyst | SQL Enthusiast | GitHub @katiehuangx